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Septic to Sewer Conversions: Is It Right for You? ,

Reliable Septic and Sewer Services

Septic to Sewer Conversions: Is It Right for You?

Septic Tank Pumping Truck in Cartersville GA

A septic to sewer conversion is exactly what it appears to be. The conversion of a home septic system to a city sewer system is often a straightforward process, but it does require the knowledge and precision of a professional. It involves converting your plumbing system from a septic tank to the city’s main sewer line. An experienced and licensed plumber can handle the job successfully.

There are many advantages of converting your home septic system to a city sewer system, including the following:

  • Increase the value of your home
  • Little to no maintenance
  • No unpleasant odors
  • Avoid potential for costly damages

First, the pipes running between your house and your septic tank must be dug up. Next, your main line must be connected into the city sewer line. While it sounds simple, there are many factors to consider, ranging from physical obstacles to city codes. For example, if there are swimming pools, patios, retaining walls, mature trees or sidewalks in the way, conversion process becomes more complicated.

How Much Will It Cost?

The expense of a septic to sewer conversion is an understandable consideration when determining if you should do it. The answer is not straightforward, as the cost of the conversion depends on several factors:

  • Proximity to a suitable municipal sewer main line
  • Sewer connection fees
  • Septic tank abandonment fees

Have more questions about switching from septic to sewer? Call Metro Septic. We have a team of skilled professionals who can handle plumbing projects of all sizes.

Posted on behalf of Metro Septic

Phone: (678) 873-7934


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