Whether you own a Mexican, Italian or Fast Food restaurant, your kitchen will have FOG that needs to be disposed of properly. FOG refers to fats, oils and greases that are inevitably left behind after large amounts of food are prepared for your customers. The issue with FOG is that it can’t be sent down your drains like other liquids and wastes. If it is, it can cause major clogs and backups in your restaurant plumbing system. If you are on a septic system, FOGs can wreak havoc on your tank and lead to costly repairs.
Why Do We Need to Keep Fat, Oil, and Grease Out of Your Septic System?
Wastewater is the only liquid that is meant to be sent down your drains. If grease is mixed with your wastewater, it can harden and create blockages or corrosion within your pipes. A septic backup can cause you to shut down your kitchen, which means a loss of profits and reputation for your restaurant. The likely risk of problems is why most local governments or municipalities require restaurants to have functional grease traps in their kitchens. By having a grease trap, the soiled water that drains from the sinks and dishwasher must first flow by the grease trap for proper filtering and disposal.
Five Components of a Grease Trap
Grease traps are small kitchen additions that can save your restaurant business in big ways. Though there are different styles, sizes and brands of grease traps, most have these five basic parts:
- Inlet Pipe – the pipe that carries wastewater to the grease trap.
- Flow rate controller – slows the wastewater down before it enters the grease trap.
- Baffles – metal barriers which slow the wastewater down to help separate the water from fat, oil, and grease.
- Water – used to cool the wastewater so that grease can solidify and separate from the wastewater.
- Outlet pipe – the pipe wastewater exits through to the septic or sewer system.
How to Avoid Grease Trap Clogs
Part of having a grease trap is keeping it functional. Due to the nature of what they are catching, grease traps can easily get clogged over time. Therefore, it is imperative that you schedule routine maintenance and cleaning for your restaurant grease trap. To learn more about affordable grease trap cleaning in the North Metro Atlanta area, please call Metro Septic today.